A Letter To a casino dealer with a poker face!

All I wanted was your hug,

All I needed was some care,

All I longed for was your laugh,

But now I realize you never even care…

This love was just a bluff

to a casino dealer with a poker face

a fairy tale in a little girls dream

And nothing I do , will be ever enough..

But tonight when the trees weep

I’ll be there to wipe its tears

And tonight the starsĀ  shall see,

that I’m over all those fears

And my soul is free,

And my soul shall soar into the new day

And the world shall see,

how my heart dances and sway,

And I’m sure you’ll be

sorry for not being there.

And soon my dear,

your nights will turn into days

and deep down you have that fear

that you’ll never be forgiven

you should’ve known better, than to take for granted

all the great love that you have been given…

As for me, I already see

Crystal clear, the way I should’ve been living

And the wind will carry my breath

to where the sun never sets,

to where the shores are warm,

a place away from you

a place with no regrets…

Let Us Pray!

Tonight when you say your prayers, don’t just murmur the words and recite them as if you’re about to have an exam!

Pray slowly, and meditate in each sentence. Ask yourself: “What Lessons did the Lord intend for me to learn through these words?”, When Lord Jesus taught us this prayer he said: “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.” Matthew 6:7. He said that informing us that it’s not the amount of words we say in our prayers that matters, but our intentions! It’s what’s in our heart that really matters, and our merciful father, he who examines the hearts will know our true intentions. And then he taught us how to pray properly, and what words to use. A most meaningful prayer if we took the time to meditate in its words.

Let us pray together, in one heart, meditating in the words of our Lord. Let us clear our minds and hearts and humble ourselves, so that our voices unite and knock on the door of heaven tonight my brothers. Our prayers shall be heard and answered, because our Lord promised us :Luke 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

” In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holly spirit”


Our Father, who art in heaven We are addressing God directly asĀ  ( Our Father) and Lord Jesus intended us to learn from this word is that God’s love towards us is much more than fatherly love!”
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done, ” Think my dear brothers as you say these words, are you accepting God’s will in your lives? Do you embrace the good and the bad as a part of God’s will and bigger plan for you? Don’t just repeat this prayer without thinking about its every sentence, God has put so much wisdom in this prayer for us to understand!”
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread ” Are you really settling for your daily bread? are you thankful for having that food on your table? Or do you ask why others are rich? or have better material things than you? If so, it’s time to write down a thank you list titled” Thank you God” I’m sure you’ll find a lot of things to be grateful and thankful for, and then you’ll be more truthful as you repeat this prayer.”
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us. ” As we Forgive! What an amazing wisdom in these few words! Forgive us God as we forgive others! Show us the same mercy we show others! Are you forgiving others my friends? are you being merciful and helpful to others so that our father would show you mercy and help you? I think these words are worthy of your meditation!
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.